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Safety Resources

NILO: Committed to Safe, Legal and Responsible Firearm Use

NILO is committed to safe, legal and responsible firearm use. NILO supports key groups like the National Shooting Sports Foundation on a variety of topics important to our industry including training and education, and specific programs such as Gun Owners Care and Project ChildSafe. NILO will continue to support programs, organizations and individuals that promote hunting and shooting sports activities in a positive and responsible environment. Any use of firearms by youth participants should be done under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or other responsible adult.

Gun Owners Care logo

Gun Owners Care

The Gun Owners Care initiative is focused on educating the public about the care gun owners have for their neighbors and communities. Because you not only care about safety and preventing unauthorized access to firearms but also bettering your community, helping those in need, and conserving wildlife and wild places for generations to come.

As a gun owner, you're encouraged to share stories of how you're making a difference by using the hashtag #GunOwnersCare. You can learn more at


Project ChildSafe logo

Project ChildSafe

Project ChildSafe is a national program supported by the firearms and ammunition industry that educates and reminds firearm owners to securely store firearms when not in use to help deter access by children, at-risk persons, and individuals legally prohibited from possessing firearms. Proper storage of firearms is the number one way to help prevent accidents, theft and misuse.

Gun owners are encouraged to use a safe storage device that meets their personal and home circumstances. Options for storing firearms as well as tips for safely handling guns can be found at

Firearms Responsibility in the Home (PDF)

Parents Guide to Recreational Shooting for Youngsters (PDF)